
Everyone feels lonely from time to time. It’s just a part of being human. So what exactly is loneliness? It can mean many things, whether we feel we don’t feel connected to others or simply don’t have a friend to talk to. 

Fortunately, there are always steps to help ourselves feel less lonely. Keep reading to find out! 

Tips to meet people around campus

Talk to people in your classes

It can be awkward and nerve-wrecking to be the one to initiate a conversation however, it can also be a new beginning with one of the best people you’ll ever meet. Give yourself a challenge to get out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there more- you never know what it’ll lead to. 

Join a Club or Society

Join a Club or Society

Arc supports nearly 300 clubs and societies which provide you the opportunity to meet and interact with like-minded people. There’s a society for everything- no matter how niche your interests may be. By joining a club, you’ll be able to be a part of something and enhance your social life. Check out what’s on here!


Volunteering your time may be a great way to meet people and contribute something to your community, each program doing different things with varying time commitments. If you’re keen to join, check it out here.

Join a Sports Team

If you’re interested in sport, a great way to meet people is through joining a sports time. It definitely helps that a lot of the skills you’d need in order to play well (team work, communication etc.) are all likely to help you form those connections with others. Have a look at the sports that Arc offers.

Go to events advertised around campus

The campus has a range of events that occur- ranging from info nights, night markets, networking opportunities, and faculty-based challenges. They can be fun and a great way to meet people, as well as be informed about opportunities that may pertain to you. Keep an eye out on the events available through here

If you want to improve your English language skills as you meet people have a look at Culture Cafe.

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