Make great things. Get work published. Find your people.

Our publications are one of the best ways on campus to share your ideas and develop your skills in a community of like-minded and passionate people.  

From pop-culture podcasts, to beautifully crafted prose and the latest breaking news on campus - we're amplifying the voices of the students at UNSW and we want to hear what you have to say. 

Find your publication.


Welcome to UNSW's home of pop culture, hot takes and campus goss. We want your viral stories, videos and podcast ideas. 

Join the 2025 team


Gamamari is the political, social and cultural journal for all students on campus. We want your news, satire, stories and artworks.

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Blitz Book Club

Blitz hosts a book club where all our resident book-nerds get together every once in a while and talk about the books they've been reading.

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UNSWeetened Podcast 2022

Tune in each fortnight to join the UNSWeetened team in conversations about all things reading, writing, and the publishing industry.

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Calling all movie nerds, fanatics, and casual viewers! For the latest and greatest in cinema, we've got you covered.

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Blitz Outdoors

Blitz sets up a table on campus and talks to students about whatever they feel like it.

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Blitz Editor

Madeline Kahl

UNSWeetened Literary Journal

Inayat Mander

Framework Coordinator

Yaz Meedin

P:9065 0920

H:Mon - Thurs