Why eating well is good for you:
Reduced Risk of Illness
We all know how draining and bothersome a simple cold is. Not only can eating well help reduce such sicknesses, it can also help reduce heart related issues such as a stroke. This will allow you to continue living your best life or your journey to it!
Better Mood
Whether it be boba or chips, we all have our cravings and things we do to keep sane. However, such foods often give short term pleasure and can impact one’s mood regulation chemicals. So eating such foods in moderation or as a treat has the potential to help you live a more stable life!
Better Brain Function
No matter if you are in the club, at a party, or taking a test our brains is the machine which runs it all. Healthy foods loaded with nutrition such as fruits and vegetables, as well as foods packed with omega three all ensure we are prepared for anything. So next time don’t be afraid of that avocado or fish!