Student Community & Development Grant Ts & Cs
The following terms and conditions apply to the Student Community and Development Grants scheme (SCDG) offered by Arc @ UNSW Ltd (‘Arc’) on behalf of the University of New South Wales (‘the University’). Grants may take the form of an in-kind subsidy on venue hire or a financial grant.
- The applicant accepts the following conditions:
- a.The applicant may not receive any other grant from Arc for this activity;
- All Arc members must be allowed to participate in the event/program where appropriate;
- There must not be any discrimination against any group covered by anti-discrimination legislation;
- If fees are charged, non-Arc members must pay a premium such that tickets are at least 110% of the base Arc price;
- The applicant is responsible for making any bookings or reservations of venues covered by the SCDG. In making any such bookings, the applicant also acknowledges that they are wholly responsible for timely payment of venue hire costs;
- Where an allocated SCDG is less than the cost of hosting or participating in the event, the recipient of the grant is liable
for the unpaid portion of any costs relating to the activity; - The applicant is responsible for paying all expenses associated with the activity and retaining receipts for all expenses paid;
- The applicant is responsible for using the SCDG for the purpose that is was approved;
- If an applicant cancels or chooses not to participate in an activity receiving an SCDG, they must notify the Clubs Manager immediately. The Clubs Manager and Student Development Committee Convenor will consider whether the grant should be revoked and/or repaid;
- In cases where an SCDG is revoked due to the cancellation event/attendance, the applicant is responsible for liaising with any other parties regarding cancellation of bookings refunds and payment of any related fees;
- Neither Arc, nor the University, shall be liable for any loss or liability which the applicant incurs including any loss or liability suffered in relation to the activity or the SCDG;
- Applicants should collaborate with all departments of Arc and the University to maximise the use of Arc and University facilities in events and programs;
- Where the applicant is participating in an external event, wherever possible the applicant must provide a full attendance list (names and student numbers) of the club members or group of Arc members attending the event with their application so that the number of current Arc members can be verified. The number of participants identified on the SCDG application form should be as accurate as possible. If the number of Arc members attending significantly changes as a proportion of the original total, this must be reported to the Clubs Manager immediately.The Clubs Manager and Student Development Committee Convenor will consider whether the total amount granted should be adjusted and a portion of the granted funds should be repaid;
- The applicant will submit a Post-Activity Report to the Clubs Manager no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the event. The report should include the following (where applicable):
- A summary of the activity (including its impact on professional & academic development);
- For an applicant-hosted event: attendance numbers and number of people involved in the organisation of the event, both divided into Arc members and non-Arc members;
- A statement of the actual income and expenditure;
- A summary of how the applicant has/intends to communicate this experience to others, particularly UNSW students and Arc members, with particular reference to the “Recognition of Arc and UNSW” section in the grant application
form; - A summary of how Arc was publicised, preferably including pictures and/or examples of print media;
The applicant also agrees to adhere to the following requirements regarding the activity:
- Any on or off campus advertising or programs for an applicant-hosted activity must include the logos of Arc and the University located in a prominent location and presented in accordance with Arc’s and the University’s brand guidelines. Applicable publicity materials include, but are not limited to, the website, t-shirts and print media such as posters and pamphlets;
- Where possible, publicity materials and programs for the activity must include the following information on the SCDG: “<Club/Society/Individual> acknowledges the support of Arc and UNSW for this activity through the Student Community and Development Grants scheme. For information regarding the scheme, please contact Arc Student Development.”
- A minimum of one of ficial Arc banner must be appropriately displayed at an applicant-hosted activity, on or off campus. Affiliated clubs have a banner bearing their club name and the Arc logo which can be used for this purpose (unless they are newly affiliated). New clubs and other applicants can obtain a banner on loan from Arc Student Development which must be returned immediately following the event
- For applicant-hosted activities on or off campus, the applicant must keep records of the number of attendants for, and participants in, the activity (including a breakdown of Arc members, UNSW students and non-students);
- The applicant will not obscure any official Arc or University signs, posters, branding or merchandise, on or off campus;
- No funding may be used on prizes or gifts and should used solely on unavoidable costs relating to the event or activity.