Top 5 Clubs for Stressing Less

Struggling to cope with the stress of uni? We know uni can be overwhelming and make you feel like giving up! However, there are so many clubs at UNSW that can help you reduce your stress levels. Here are our top 5 clubs for you!

Knitting and Crochet Society

Knitting and Crochet Society

The Knitting and Crochet Society is perfect for students who want to learn how to knit and crochet. Students who join this society are able to meet new people and make new friends whilst distracting themselves from the stresses of uni!

Arts and Drawing Society

Arts and Drawing Society

With weekly drawing sessions and multiple events to draw and create art, the Arts and Drawing Society is our top pick for students who want to explore their creative side. This society is perfect for students wanting to meet new people whilst being creative.

Latin Dance Society

Latin Dance Society

The Latin Dance Society provides students with dance classes in salsa and bachata. Students are able to learn new dance skills and make new friends when joining this society. Get your groove on and you’ll stress less!

UNSW Lo-fi Society

UNSW Lo-fi Society

The Lo-fi Society is the perfect way to reduce your stress! You can participate in music producing, game nights, movie nights, drawing and study hangouts (to get on top of your uni work).

UNSW Photo Club

UNSW Photo Club

The Photo Club is a great way to improve your photography skills whilst meeting new people and making more friends. Taking photos may be your way of stressing less?