Outcome of Arc EGM on Ethical Investments
On the 14th of November, Arc held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members to consider 5 resolutions. Speakers for and against each resolution were invited to speak, followed by a vote and the Chair declared the following results.
Resolution 1:
THAT the Board considers disclosing all financial investments to members in all future annual reports.
- Carried
Resolution 2:
THAT the Board considers reviewing its current Investment Policy and Sponsorship and Advertising Policy for further ethical alignment and seeks to identify any additional parameters that may be appropriate following member feedback.
- Carried
Resolution 3:
THAT the Board will continue to support student activism by enabling the elected Student Representative Council and Postgraduate Council to advocate for students and student issues through their campaigns and initiatives.
- Carried
Resolution 4:
THAT section 3.2 of the Company's constitution be amended to the following:
The income and property of Arc must be applied towards the promotion of the objectives of Arc as set out in this Constitution and the Regulations.
(a) No part of the income or property of Arc may be applied to, and the business of Arc may not be carried on for the purpose of:
(i) the profit or gain of any Member; or
(ii) investment in any industry or company in which the majority of revenue is sourced from the development, production, or sales of weapons or other arms, or
(iii) engaging, colluding, partnering with or investing in cultural, governmental, military, financial or corporate institutions or any company or organisation otherwise that engages in conduct that is not conducive with international law.
- Not Carried
Resolution 5:
THAT a new section 10.3 be added to the Company's constitution as follows.
10.3 Investments of Arc
The Board must maintain an investment policy for investing surplus funds of Arc that is aligned with ethical and sustainable investment principles and, for avoidance of doubt, prohibits any investment in a company primarily producing weapons, arms or providing military support.
- Carried
Additional information will be made available to members when the Constitutional change in Resolution 5 is implemented.