Wellness Warriors

Wellness Warriors

The Wellness Warriors are a community of student volunteers passionate about student mental health and wellbeing. 

Our goal is to challenge the stigma that surrounds mental health and making sure that you get the support that you need. We totally get that uni can be stressful and are here to help you cope with the stuff that comes up. 

Keen to join the Wellness Warrior Team?

Join the Wellness Warrior team to challenge the struggle that can be student mental health and wellbeing with in-person and online activations, Stress Less Week and spreading the wellness message!

Why get involved as a Volunteer?

  • Join hundreds of other students passionate about mental health, wanting to make a better tomorrow 
  • Give back to your campus community 
  • Make lifelong friends  
  • Build important professional development skills  
  • Add Wellness Warriors to your Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) 
  • Experience what it's like to lead and facilitate a group of volunteers
  • + have a bunch of fun doing so!

You don't need to have any experience just a passion to make a difference! We're looking for students that would like to help us run weekly events, surprise students with Random Acts of Kindness like plant give-aways, run big events that make a big impact like Stress Less Week and Mental Health Month.

Time Commitment

  • Average 2-3 hrs/week during term
  • New Wellness Warriors must attend a compulsory training day on Saturday 1 June 2024 from 10AM-5PM.

Orrrr if you're an extra keen bean and would like to step up and contribute to how we run our program, we're also opening up opportunities to join our team as a Senior Volunteer!

Becoming a Wellness Senior Volunteer opens up amazing opportunities for you to learn and develop while you're still at uni! 

Why join as a Senior Volunteer?

  • Step up and become a leader within the Wellness community!
  • Develop and learn important leadership, communication and organizational skills
  • Have a chance to share your knowledge and give back to your community
  • Get a chance to experience the logistics and planning of a volunteering program!

Time Commitment

  • Average 4 hrs/week during term
  • New Senior Volunteers must attend compulsory training days on Friday 17 May 2024 and Saturday 1 June 2024 from 10AM-5PM.

Applications to join the Wellness Warriors for Term 2 are now ❗CLOSED❗

Senior team applications are now closed.

Wellness Warriors applications are now closed.

Don't worry if you missed out this term, Term 3 applications will open later this term!

Follow us for updates

Wellness Warriors on Campus


Wellness Resources