The IRC is the peak body representing the students of UNSW's residential communities.  

The Inter-Residence Council (IRC) is the chief representative body of the 3500+ on-campus residents of UNSW to the UNSW administration and local community. It is made up of eleven elected councillors from each member college for the academic year, who together elect their executive and are organised in subcommittees.

We work to foster a healthy and engaging wider college community by enabling opportunities to connect residents across colleges in collaboration, friendly rivalry, social and cultural experiences and more. We are charged with the responsibility to advocate on behalf of residents living at UNSW in relation to any matter that has an impact on residents, no matter how large or small.

Current Member Colleges: Basser, Creston, Colombo House, Fig Tree Hall, Goldstein, New, Philip Baxter, Shalom, UNSW Hall, Warrane, International

Want to know more, get in touch or have some suggestions to improve your on-campus living experience? Please get-in-touch!

Meet your 2025 IRC Executives!

Irina Wong

Irina Wong

IRC President

Kia ora koutou. My name is Irina, and it’s an absolute honour to serve as IRC President for 2025. As a second-year Social Work and Arts student and a grateful UNSW Hall resident, I’ve experienced the excitement and challenges of uni life, and the support system of the resident community and environment has exceeded my expectations. As President, I will lead a council of 11 incredible representatives to create diverse, meaningful events that foster connections and unforgettable experiences. Our IRC goal is to provide strong support, promote health and safety, and connect residents across colleges, ensuring our home away from home is full of love, care, and community.

Jacqueline Long

Jacqueline Long

IRC Secretary

Hi! My name is Jacqueline and I am thrilled to be serving as the IRC Secretary in 2025. I’m a second year Social Science student, currently living at Philip Baxter College. Living on campus has been life changing and having experienced the ups and downs of residential life; I am excited and prepared to work on behalf of the colleges. Growing up around the performing arts, I have always been surrounded by positive, supportive and inspirational communities which is why it is my goal, as IRC secretary to ensure that our 11 colleges have the connection, respect and support we all need moving away from home. The IRC will work to ensure no voice is ignored and our college families can continue to be the supportive environments we know and love.

Pia D'Rozario

Pia D'Rozario

IRC Treasurer

Hi everyone, my name is Pia D’Rozario, and I will be serving as your 2025 IRC treasurer. I am currently in my second year studying Engineering and Commerce, and living on campus at Basser College. I am absolutely thrilled to be able to contribute to the IRC by organising the finances and producing the best events possible for all residents to enjoy! Living on college is such a unique experience, different for everyone - therefore, as the IRC we strive to foster a welcoming and friendly environment that caters to every resident.

Dominic Ng

Dominic Ng

Arc Delegate

Hey everyone! I'm Dominic Ng, your Arc Delegate for 2025. Currently in my second year of Commerce and living at Warrane College. Living on campus has been such a highlight to my university life so I am really looking forward to having a positive impact on your college experience. My vision for IRC is to strengthen connections between all residential colleges through our partnership with Arc, ensuring we deliver exceptional support and memorable events for every single resident. Looking forward to working with you all!