Village Green Booking Request

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Looking to book the all weather pitch and more for your next event? The Village Green comes complete with a full-size all weather pitch, two caged multi-purpose course, one uncaged multi-purpose court and is the perfect place for your next match day!

To request a booking at the Village Green please fill out the below form.

Please note the following before completing your booking request:

Looking for assistance running your event? Arc Sport also can help provide logistical support to take the stress of coordinating an event away! Find out more here

Who can book Village Green?

The caged multi-use courts can be book by any university member be they staff, student, clubs or colleges as long as they have a valid zID. The synthetic pitch however can only be booked by University Bodies, such as Faculties, Clubs, Representative Teams or Colleges, or for large scale events. 

How can I book spaces at the Village Green?

Bookings for the multi-use courts can be made by going to the Arc Sport website and clicking the booking link. For pitch or function space bookings you must fill out an EOI and Arc Sport will be in contact with you regarding your booking. 

Do I need a booking to come down and use the Village Green?

Not at all! Arc Sport offer a bunch sports events and programs. In addition, if you head to our website and look at the timetable and see no bookings, that means you and your mates can come and use the facility. It is the intention of Arc Sport to ensure there will always be free space for students and staff to come down and use the Village Green regardless of bookings. 

How often can I book facilities?

It is Arc Sport's intention to have as many different parties be able to share the space. For online casual booking of the multi-use courts, we ask that you limit your usage to one hour a day. Any bookings exceeding the daily hour will automatically be removed.

If you require repeat bookings, please reach out and contact us at Arc Sport. 

How far out do I need to book?

Multi-courts and half court booking can be made up to the time of booking on the day whilst Pitch and function room bookings require a minimum five working days notice.

Equipment Hire

Did you know you can also book equipment with us?

Check out how here


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Arc Sport Event Request

Need help organising your next event? Let Arc Sport do the heavy lifting so you can kick back and enjoy your fantastic event!

Find out how here!

Multi Purpose Court Bookings

Perfect for Basketball, Volleyball, Netball, Futsal and more! Our Multipurpose courts can be booked live 7 days in advance!

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Booking Policy & Terms and Conditions

Fair Usage Policy & Sport Rules

Global Sport Coordinator

P:(02) 9065 0937

A:Upstairs, Sam Cracknell Pavilion, off Lower Main Walkway

Arc @ UNSW Limited

P:(02) 9065 0900

H:10AM - 5PM

A:Basser Steps, Basser College (D17), College Road UNSW Sydney, Kensington.