Disability Inclusion

Disability Inclusion

Arc want to provide a range of resources to improve the inclusion of people with disabilities in sport at UNSW. Feel free to contact us, if you are directly or indirectly impacted by a disability and want to be more involved with a particular club, or if you want to learn how to make your club more inclusive. 



UNSW and Arc Sport utilise a range of state of the art facilities, that we are so excited to share with the sporting communities. We are currently in the process of creating maps of accessibility at all of our venues, to ensure that people are aware of any limitations in accessibility. If you have any feedback in making these spaces more inclusive, we would love to hear from you. 

Policies & Guidelines

  1. Overcoming Barriers to Participation
  2. Disability Inclusion Policy Template | The Disability Inclusion Policy template can be used to articulate an organisation's commitment to including people with disability and shows the practical things that can be done to promote inclusion.

Tool Kits & Training

  1. The Disability Resource | This is an ongoing resource website provides a greater understanding of working with people with disabilities. 
  2. Podcast: Inclusive Activity | A podcast on how to create more inclusive spaces
  3. Research Report: Small Changes, Big Difference for Visually Impaired Women | Understanding barriers in sport for women with visual impairments
  4. Research Report: Me, Not My Age or Impairment | Report on women with disability or life limiting health condition, focuses on older women
  5. Toolkit: Creating positive impact for women who face additional barriers in sport| A toolkit to assist with addressing women with disabilities in sport
  6. How? A New approach to inclusive activity for all | Resources from UK initiative that encourages closing the gap between disabled and non-disabled people's participation in sports

University Services

  1. UNSW SRC Students With Disabilities Collective | Initiatives by the SRC at UNSW for people with disabilities

Key Contacts