In 2024 the Student Engagement Grant has been restructured to have a greater emphasis on recruitment and presence on campus with the following grants to be introduced:
Clubs are able to apply and get pre-approved for these grants, the New Student Grant/First Year Initiative, the On Campus Promotional Grant and the Student Activities Grant.
New Student Grant/First Year Initiative
This grant is available during T1 and T3. This grant is designed to give clubs funding opportunities to hold a social event/beginners session to help promote your club to new prospective members and attract first years/new students into your club.
Approved usage of funding includes but not limited to:
Food and drink package
Venue costs
Clubs can apply for a maximum of $600 and this event/program must happen within the first 5 weeks of Term.
There will be a small element of reporting, this includes reporting on the students that participated in the event.
Clubs will need to record:
- Attendance List (This should at a minimum contain Name, zID, Gender)
- It is recommended you use a google form & QR code for this
- Receipts on items the funding will be spent on
Intervarsity Grant
The Intervarsity Grant is given to Sport Clubs and teams that take part in one-off intervarsity events, such as UniSport Nationals, or for clubs without a Nationals competition, any one-off external event in which the club represents UNSW. Intervarsity Grants are given once a year to the club/team, unless your Sport Club sends teams to 2 separate Nationals events.
This grant is designed to encourage more students to join clubs and represent UNSW by lifting some of the financial burdens associated with competing. As such, it is important for clubs to let us know how you plan to use the grant in order to achieve this goal.
This grant will provide Sport Clubs and team managers an equivalent of $50 per team member, or the cost of the event (if it is self-run), whatever is the lesser amount. This amount is capped at $2,000.
You are eligible to apply for this grant if:
- you are a Sport Club that participates in UniSport intervarsity events, such as Nationals, and more than 40% of the team is a member of your Sport Club
- you are a Sport Club that participates in any one-off multi-club event (not regular competition) where you represent UNSW, more than 40% of the team is a member of your Sport Club and more than 80% of the team are UNSW students
- you are the team manager of a UniSport team competing for a sport that doesn't have a UNSW Sport Club associated with it.
If your Sport Club does not meet the requirements, the grant will be directly given to the team manager for distribution to members, as opposed to the Sport Club.
Applying for the grant
As the main focus of the grant is the students, a minimum of 50% of the grant is to be used on student subsidies, while the rest can be spent on collective expenses as below.
All grants will be provided after the event/program has taken place, but there are a number of processes that must be completed prior (and after) to ensure that your club receives the full benefit. These include:
- An outline of the event, including dates, times, number of potential participants*.
- An outline of a potential expenses list. Items to include, but not limited to are:
- Student subsidies
- Coach expenses
- Facility expenses
- Equipment hire
- Food provision
- Recording of all team members, include name, sex, student status, Indigenous status, Sport Club member status. This is to be provided to Arc Sport after the event. A template is provided below.
- Copy of all invoices from incurred expenses from the event/program, provided to Arc Sport after the event.
* The number of potential participants is important as the amount of funding is based off this
In the event that the above program/event is to provide your club a profit, with or without the Grant, Arc Sport is happy with this outcome and it will not affect the approval of the requested Grant amount.