Yellow Lights

Fiona Touma

Fiona Touma

Fiona Touma is a fourth-year Arts/Education (Secondary) student at UNSW. This is the first time she is being published but loves crafting written works! They love reading about stories with psychological themes, the Gothic, and of course a good fantasy. 

Follow them on Instagram!

Yellow lights act as tiny suns when the moon takes her reign. 

Yellow lights adorn the walls as you disrobe the weight of the day. 

Yellow lights encased in a glass bowl; a fairy lit kingdom of moss. 

Yellow lights warm the pages as you read a story to life.  


The golden lights that follow you, 

Always trailing you, 

Through the days of your life. 





Waiting for you to move, 

Move on from the spot you’re stood, 

Move on from this stage. 


It is movement that reminds you of the yellow lights that followed you, 

Followed you to where you are today, and where you are tomorrow. 

And even when you are gone, but others have not yet let go, 

The yellow lights will be there in this time of sorrow. 


Yellow lights are a gentle companion, an angel of sorts, 

The kind that follows you but unable to intervene, 

The kind that wants you to see and guides you through the dark, 

Away from rocky shores and onto safer paths. 


Yellow lights in all their rays of gold, linger.