Will Never Lose This Warmth

Just a guy with a pen

Just a guy with a pen

Aditya Jain is a final-year Information Systems student at UNSW. With a deep fascination for the human condition, they strive to understand and articulate the emotions, feelings, and thoughts that drive our actions. Their writing seeks to capture the intricate beauty of these human experiences, translating them into words that resonate with authenticity. They delve into the complexities of life, exploring meanings and justifications, and weaving their insights into narratives that they hope will resonate with readers. They enjoy reading murder mystery and thriller books. 

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Hey, I wanted to tell you something, 

something that has been on my mind. 

Don’t worry, it’s not what you think. 

Actually, it could be because I don’t know how you feel. 


So, it goes something like:  


If we go out on the first date 

and you are running late, 

maybe you could buy me flowers 

and I can suggest we go dutch instead? 

Promise to not ghost me when my demons taunt me? 


I will make sure that I’m there 

if you’re a little under the weather. 

Maybe you could let me win 

even when I act dim. 

Promise to be my guide when I’m drowning away into the night? 


If you come home after sunset 

or leave for work before breakfast, 

maybe we can eat dinner under the moonlight 

and I can pack for lunch what you like? 

Promise to hold me close, never to let go? 


When things get catastrophic, 

we both become chaotic, 

I just want you to know this: 

I will make you smile when it rains from your eyes. 

Promise to be my moon when my Polaris looks all confused? 


I don’t wanna hide and lie,  

I think a guy can cry. 

If I’m stressed, 

maybe you could be my damsel of de-stress? 

Promise to save the castle of my pain from your waves of doubt and gain? 


I’m no knight in shining armour 

nor is there a dragon outside your tower. 

But if you need a safe ear or steady shoulder, 

I could sit next to you as the night grows colder. 

Promise to speak your mind when I can’t read between the lines? 


I don’t understand situationships, 

what do you say we start with friendship?   

I think my mom raised me well, 

let’s do things with real consent. 

Promise to stay for my heart when beauty doesn’t last?  


I don’t think it is uncool  

to make the first move. 

Lately, all the clichés feel true 

and all the dating rules untrue. 

So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, 

I could be  

Jake to your Amy, 

or Leonard to your Penny, 

or maybe, just maybe, 

Ted to your Tracy. 

Because the truth is 

I'll be there for you, 

I hope you’ll be there for me too.