Whispers of Unspoken Longings



Yash Agarwal is a second-year Bachelor of Commerce student. He is fervently dedicated to the art of storytelling, whether it be through evocative poems, intricate narratives, compelling dramas, or imaginative fiction. His works often delve into the realms of paradox, challenging perceptions with every sentence. A voracious reader, Yash’s literary tastes are eclectic, spanning a broad spectrum of genres that enrich his own narrative skills. This is his first publication. 

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In the hush of whispered longings, where hearts dare not speak, 

My soul weeps silent tears, in solitude, it seeks. 

Longing to unveil truths untold, within the depths of night, 

Yet fear's hand seizes; a silent, suffocating plight. 


Oh, if only courage's wings could set my spirit free, 

To let my words sail to you, across the moonlit sea. 

Our tales entwined, a symphony of love's sweet rhyme, 

Bound in destiny's embrace, until the end of time. 


But alas, fate's cruel hand weaves a different story, 

Where my love's whispered dreams fade into memory. 

Though we stand close, our worlds lie forever apart, 

My love’s page torn from the manuscript of your heart. 


Amidst the shattered dreams and unfulfilled desires, 

I cling to all of our moments, the sparks of our twin fires. 

In fate's great tapestry, though we may not entwine, 

I'll cherish the echoes of our love, until the end of time. 


Oh, how I wish you were here, standing by my side, 

To feel the warmth of your touch, to bask in love's sweet tide. 

But in the stillness of the night, I'll breathe your name, 

And in my heart’s deepest chamber, you’ll forever remain.