grief? no, only death.

Pieta Hochstetler

Pieta Hochstetler

Pieta Hochstetler is a first-year Media/Arts student at UNSW. She is interested in the intimacy of second-person narratives, fairytales that break the rules, and the narrow spaces between grief, love & hate. 

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 i have never known a love like yours. loving you has never felt more like falling. you are a very great height and i am a small bird circling your sky. 





i look at you like the light that encompasses the world at all times. there is no part of me that cannot feel your warmth. when i am with you it is like i am icarus and you are the sun.  




you are the glow of my open door in the dark and the fire simmering low in our hearth.  

(wax, dripping down the frame of my man-made wings.) 

you are the lukewarm water sitting melancholy in our bathtub and the hot tea scalding my throat.  

 (saltwater, seeping into the pristine lines of our fresh bed-sheets.)  





 sometimes i cannot tell if i love or hate you. in my eyes you are a dream and a sickness and a death all at once; my fever-flush and my clear lungs. i miss who you used to be. 





it has been a long time and yet i still think of you. do you think of me? i wish you wouldn’t. i have never known a love like yours.