Week 4: Same But Different

Welcome back! This fourth post will help you work out the subtle differences in some popular food and drink choices in Australia. This week, you will be able to figure out what the differences are between apples, various cuts of steak and Australian coffee orders (to help those confused international students)!

Cuts of Steak

Steak Loin

Known as the filet, fillet, chateaubriand or filet mignon.

  • Located between the sirloin and short sirloin area 

  • Contains 3 parts: the “butt” (thick end), the “centre cut” (middle) and the “tail” (thinnest)

  • Beef loin is softer and more tender, as the loin is on the cow’s lower back (less active muscle).

New York Cut

Known as strip steak, strip loin, shell teak or New York strip. 

  • Comes from the short loin of the cow

  • Moderately tender cut with a fat marbling

  • Leaner at some parts and significantly more fat content in others

  • Good alternative to tenderloin (steak loin)

  • Fine-grained texture with prominent beefy flavour


Known as the market, beauty steak or entrecôte.

  • Comes from the rib section 

  • Ribeye is a flavourful cut with fat marbling and buttery flavour - very tasty and tender

  • Contains most fat compared to other cuts which leads to its tenderness

Porterhouse and T Bone

  • Both are cut from the short loin 

  • The Porterhouse and T-Bone are similar steaks and only differ in size; combination of New York strip and filet mignon

  • Both cuts boast 2 different types of steak including a New York strip steak as the smaller cut and a larger filet mignon on the other end

  • A T-Bone cut steak is the same as the porterhouse cut, only it’s a little smaller than its counterpart

Flank Steak

  • From the underbelly and bottom abdomen of cow 

  • When you’re eating Chinese stir fry or a plate of fajitas, you’re eating flank steak

  • Contains little fat and is quite tough but with good flavour

  • Contains many fibres and often cut against the grain after cooking to make the meat more tender

  • Tip: serve in thin slices


Also known as Santa Maria steak.

  • Found toward the rear, above the flank and behind the short loin 

  • Inexpensive and lean; perfect for grilling

Hanger Steak

Also known as onglet, Butcher's steak or hanging tender.

  • Comes from the front of the cow's belly

  • Savoury flavour and relatively tender 

  • When taken right off the cow, hangers tend to be covered in a blanket of tough sinew and silver skin, though most butchers will sell it already trimmed

  • Perfect for soaking up sticky marinades and dry rubs, as it's a loose, soft texture 

  • Tip: cooked too rare and it's chewy; but too overdone and it will be dry

Skirt Steak

Also known as Philadephia Steak.

  • Comes from either of 2 separate muscles inside the chest and abdominal cavity, below the ribs, in the section known as the beef plate primal cut

  • Best cooked at home if you want to save money, like flank steak

  • Naturally thin, so blistering heat is required to make sure the outside is charred before the interior becomes overcooked

Rump Steak

  • In America, it is a round steak primal. In the UK/Australia, it's cut from the rump primal (which is largely equivalent to the American sirloin)
  • Great beef flavour
  • Lean, firmer texture than a fillet

Flatiron Steak

Also known as butler's steak in the UK and oyster blade steak in Australia/NZ.

  • Comes from the shoulder of a cow. Located adjacent to the heart of the shoulder clod, under the shoulder blade

  • Lean with a hearty beef flavour and stays moist even when cooked to medium-well

  • Derived from the tender top blade roast

  • Usually has a significant amount of marbling

  • Considered to be the finest cut of beef

  • Served best grilled or broiled


Red Delicious

  • Picking time: Feb; available in stores Mar-Dec
  • Heart-shaped Red Delicious features a bright red and sometimes striped skin
  • Crunchy texture and mildly sweet flavour 
  • Good for cool, crisp salads

Royal Gala

  • Picking time: mid Jan-mid Mar; available in stores mid Mar-Sept
  • First of the season
  • Medium in size
  • Sweet flavour which is ideal for pies, sauces and salads

Golden Delicious

  • Picking time: Feb; available in stores Mar-Jul
  • Popular in tarts and pies and can also be caramelised for cakes and muffins


  • Picking time: early Feb-mid Feb; available in stores Mar
  • An early season apple with a perfect crunch; firm flesh makes it more resistant to bruising
  • Great for snacking


  • Picking time: Mar; available in stores: Mar-Dec
  • Medium-sized apple with a medium sweetness and crisp, white, juicy flesh
  • Great for salads

Pink Lady

  • Picking time: second half Apr-first half May; available in stores Jun-Feb
  • Large with a firm, sweet, crisp, juicy flesh
  • Excellent in salads, sauces and pies


  • Picking time: early Feb; available in stores late Feb-early Sep
  • Medium-size with rich, dark, red skin and are known for intense, sweet flavour and juiciness


  • Picking time: Mar; available in stores: Apr-Aug
  • Miniature apple that has a small core, sweet flesh and thin skin - great for kids' lunchboxes


  • Picking time: Apr; available in stores: Jun-Aug
  • Ideal eating apple with bright red skin and a delicate flavour
  • Slow oxidising meaning it's perfect for salads

Granny Smith

  • Picking time: second half of Mar-first half Apr; available in stores: second half Apr-Feb
  • A hard apple with a crisp tart flavour perfect for baking, freezing, salads, sauces and pies


  • Picking time: second half Mar-Apr; available in stores: May-Aug
  • A rich flavour with sweet, white flesh that remains white, even after being cut
  • Wonderful for cheese platters and fruit salads


  • Picking time: second half Apr-first half May; available in stores: second half May-Sep
  • Large apple with distinctive burgundy skin that contrasts brilliantly with white flesh
  • Crisp, refreshing apple


  • Picking time: first half Mar-early Apr; available in stores: late Apr-Oct
  • This small to medium apple is crunchy and effervescent with a tangy and sweet flavour


  • Picking time: Apr; available in stores: May-Nov
  • Perfect for baking and a great eating apple


  • Picking time: Mar; available in stores: Apr-Aug
  • A medium to large sized apple with bright red skin on a cream background
  • The flavour is sweet and tangy, with a juicy crunch

Coffee Orders

Flat White

  • A standard flat white involves a single shot of espresso, a generous pour of silky steamed milk and a thin layer of microfoam, served in a ceramic mug
  • One of the most popular coffee orders at the moment
  • Plenty of flavour from the coffee


  • Like a standard cup, this drink requires a single shot of espresso, steamed milk, and a heavy layer of foam
  • Australian cafes give their cappuccinos a dusting of cocoa powder, though many roast-focused establishments believe it detracts from the beans' natural aroma
  • A coffee staple across the world, creamy like a latte but added sweetness from the chocolate sprinkles; a tasty coffee


  • Creamier than a flat white with substantial foam and tends to be much more milk-led in flavour
  • Doesn't come with any chocolate sprinkles, but baristas do enjoy putting a rosetta or 'latte art' on the top of these 
  • Don't order a latte in Italy because they'll bring you a glass of milk with a quizzical expression

Short Black

  • Also known as a single shot of espresso - all other coffee styles from the machine start like this
  • Made by forcing very hot water through ground coffee beans, under pressure
  • Full-flavoured and a tendency to be the most bitter of the coffees - there should be a thick crema, which adds to the texture of the drink
  • If you're short of time and in need of a caffeine hit, order this
Long Black

Long Black

  • A long black is a double shot poured into hot water - the closest to drip coffee as you are going to get in Australia
  • If you want an Americano, ask for a long black. An Americano is a similar drink but with the coffee poured in first, then the hot water so there is no crema left
  • The barista pours around 120 mL of hot water in a cup to near the top and then the espresso shot into that. The coffee combines with the hot water leaving the crema on top
  • Popular drink with those wanting a longer drink without the calories or lactose of a milky coffee

Short Macchiato

  • Universally understood as a single shot of espresso with a dash of milk foam on top of the crema - some baristas add a little milk too, but it shouldn't be too much
  • Macchiato translates to 'stain', 'marked' or 'spot' in Italian
  • Popular choice for those who don't want a coffee with lots of milk but something more than a short black
  • Best option for Australians travelling to the UK - a macchiato there is similar to a regular size latte or flat white in Australia

Long Macchiato

  • This coffee order is a little more complicated, as some baristas understand this to mean a double shot with a dash of foam, whereas others add a smidge of hot water, making it more akin to a long black
  • Baristas most generally ask customers their preference but in case not, specify


  • A shot stopped 15 seconds into its pull rather than the typical 30 of a standard espresso; usually served double because of the lower liquid content and has a smoother, less acidic finish, as well as a lower caffeine content
  • Less water passes through the coffee, which is ground finer, so the result should be less bitter and more refined flavours
  • The smallest of these coffees
  • Often seen as one of the more difficult to make 
  • Short, powerful, yet tasty coffee with a fine crema - the beautiful golden froth from the coffee, which is full of flavour and aroma


  • The mocha is a latte with a few extras, including chocolate powder or syrup, making it a bit thicker and sweeter than most coffees, while still containing a hint of the coffee taste
  • Usually a go-to option for first time coffee drinkers


  • Full shot of coffee with much less milk on top
  • Also known as a 3/4 latte
  • Good if you want to drink more coffees but limit the amount of milk you have
Ice Latte

Ice Latte

  • A shot of coffee poured over ice cubes with chilled milk added. You can also get some with milk and chilled water added
  • This is a completely different drink to an ice coffee, which often comes with ice-cream and cream on top
  • Refreshing drink for hot days when you still need a heart-starter. It's cold, coffee-lead and served in a glass
Cold Brew

Cold Brew

  • Smooth, light, refreshing to drink; the best way to experience the characters of the coffee, which is why the barista will use a single origin bean
  • More like a science experiment than a coffee machine, as it takes a piece of impressive equipment to make a cold-brew coffee
  • Tends to be an expensive drink, but worth your money and their effort


  • Double shot espresso, as 'doppio' means double in Italian
  • If you feel the need for an extra pick-me-up, this is the order to get
  • The barista needs to know what they're doing because it's easy to burn a double shot, which won't taste good - it'll be bitter and lose its silkiness
  • If you want a double shot in your milky coffee, you need to ask for either a 'double shot flat white' for example or just ask for a 'strong flat white'. Many places don't charge you extra for the added shot, but some will


  • Steamed milk poured over a double ristretto, served in a 6-oz cup
  • This is where the ristretto becomes Australian, but as it was invented in Melbourne, generally only Melburnian baristas are familiar with this term

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