1) Introduction
a) Arc Membership is governed by the following terms and conditions; it is the Member's responsibility to read and understand them. If there is any conflict between what is set out in these terms and conditions and what a Member has been told by an Arc staff member or its agents, these terms and conditions will prevail.
b) Every Member is responsible for remaining aware of the terms and conditions. Every effort has been made to ensure the information provided to Members in relation to Arc Membership is clear and correct, however Arc is in no way responsible or liable for any inaccuracy in the information provided to members concerning the Membership Program.
c) These terms and conditions are effective as at the date of publication (December 2017) and Arc reserves the right to amend them when necessary.
d) Arc shall use all reasonable endeavours to advise Members of any such changes, but shall not be liable in any way for any failure to do so.
2) General
a) When you become a member of Arc, you agree that Arc has your permission to contact you with relevant information regarding the Arc Membership Program via mail, email or SMS if nominated.
b) Members may unsubscribe from the Program at any time using the unsubscribe function on any email or SMS communication, or by contacting Arc.
c) You have the right to view and correct or update your personal information by arrangement with Arc.
d) Arc may share anonymous and aggregated information with current or prospective partners for the purposes of securing better offers for Arc members .
e) Some offers require Arc Members to register as a member with third party programs. This is entirely at your discretion and, in doing so, you may be communicated with directly by the third party, which is no longer within the control of Arc. You have the right to unsubscribe from these programs at any time.
f) All offers are subject to the individual Terms and Conditions of the partner and may change or be cancelled at any time without notice. Changes will be published as soon as possible on the Arc website at www.arc.unsw.edu.au.
g) Partner participants in the Arc Membership can change at any time without notice.
h) In making a purchase or accepting a partner offer, you enter into a contract directly with the partner concerned and not with Arc.
3) Arc Membership
a) Membership of Arc includes several levels:
i) Full Membership: for UNSW students, giving access to all Benefits and Services as promoted in each year's membership listings.
ii) Associate Membership: for people who are not UNSW students but are still able to gain access to most Benefits and Services as promoted in each year's membership listings.
(1) Associate Members do not have the right to vote, become a Club Executive, access Arc grants, room bookings, room hire or Arc Legal. Associate Membership is extended to anyone who does not pay SSAF.
(2) SSAF reporting can be found on the UNSW SSAF website.
(3) VIP Membership: Arc Membership is free for Full Members and Associate Members. However, if a Full Member wants access to legal representation, room hire, they will need to pay a $20 VIP. The amount you pay for your Arc membership is non-refundable after purchase.
b) Arc Membership expires on 31 December of the year that a member discloses they will conclude university.
c) Members will be notified prior to membership expiry. They may extend their membership via the methods outlined in the expiry correspondence
4) Membership Registration
a) If registering via the website you must collect your Membership sticker in person at Arc Reception, Arc @ Art & Design, or at Arc's membership activation points during O-Week. If registering at Arc Reception or at other designated sites, you will be issued your Arc Member sticker on site.
b) Member Stickers must be on the back of a current UNSW Student Card to be valid. Stickers that have been removed from the UNSW student card will be considered void. This is to minimise the risk of unauthorised use of your sticker.
c) The sticker is non-transferable and cannot be used by another person, even if that person has your authority to do so.
d) You must hold an Arc Membership Sticker in order to receive Arc Member Benefits. Arc members may be required to show their sticker as proof of membership. A valid and appropriately designated sticker shall be considered to be proof of membership for those eligible for Arc membership.
e) Associate members will receive an Arc Associate Sticker may also be required to show their sticker as proof of membership to access benefits.
f) The Arc Sticker provides informal, quick and convenient proof of Arc Membership. Arc reserves the right to deny access to goods and services until Membership status is checked on the Membership Database.
g) Arc will give Arc Membership packs out at their discretion.
h) Arc Membership is non-transferrable.
5) Waiver of Liability
a) Members have access to a range of benefits including attending Arc events both on campus and off. Participation in these events is always voluntary, and You expressly assume any and all risks (whether inherent or not) associated with the relevant Event activities which may lead to loss, injury, disability or death. You agree to release Arc, its agents, and employees from any liability or claims related to injury, illness, or loss caused during the Event. You also agree to defend and indemnify Arc, its agents, and employees from any liabilities or expenses, arising from any claims or actions resulting from your involvement in the Event, including negligence.
b) For members under the age of 18: Arc events are open to all Arc members and UNSW students across all UNSW campuses, sometimes in circumstances where prior parental permission cannot reasonably be confirmed. Arc disclaims all liability for any injury, harm, loss, or damage that may occur during the course of the event; Members under the age of 18 who choose to attend Arc events, without a legal guardian or their explicit consent, do so at their own risk, and their guardians acknowledge and accept this limitation of liability on behalf of members in their care.
6) Cancellations and Refunds
a) The amount paid for an Associate Membership or VIP membership is non-refundable and non-transferable after purchase. No refunds will be given on purchased Arc Membership.
7) Membership Limitations
a) No Member is an agent, representative or partner of the Arc @ UNSW by virtue merely of membership.
b) No Member has any power or authority to act for or to assume any obligation or responsibility on behalf of Arc @ UNSW, to bind Arc @ UNSW to any agreement, negotiate or enter into any binding relationship for or on behalf of Arc @ UNSW or pledge the credit of Arc @ UNSW except with the express written authority of the Arc @ UNSW.
8) Member Code of Behaviour
a) Arc is committed to ensuring our events, programs and spaces are safe, inclusive, and free of harassment and discrimination. Arc members are expected to maintain high personal behaviour standards at all times, and participate in Arc events and programs responsibly, ethically and with integrity and respect.
b) Arc expects all members to:
i) Socialise respectfully and responsibly with other people. Avoid any behaviour which may offend, insult or humiliate another person on the basis of their sex, ability, race, colour, age, religion, national or ethnic origin, or can be reasonably considered to be bullying, threatening or intimidating, or causes any person to fear for their personal safety or well-being.
ii) Respect personal boundaries and obtain explicit consent before engaging in any physical contact or interactions. Be mindful of social cues and body language, and always prioritize the comfort and autonomy of others. Speak up against inappropriate behaviour and support those who may be targeted.
iii) Prioritise the safety and well-being of yourself and others. Follow all safety guidelines and instructions provided by Arc staff and other event organizers. Report any concerns or emergencies to Arc immediately.
iv) Consume alcohol responsibly, if permitted at the event. Avoid excessive drinking or drug use that may impair judgment or lead to disruptive behaviour.
9) Termination
a) Behaviour which Arc considers in its reasonable discretion, in conflict with Arc’s values, or breaches these Terms & Conditions, and any other separate Arc event Terms & Conditions, may result in a revocation of your Arc membership, or any other sanctions Arc considers appropriate in the circumstances.
b) Arc may take this action upon receiving a complaint, or on its own initiative. Members will be notified in writing where Arc is considering punitive action against you and given the right of reply. Arc will make a final decision based on all the available evidence and communicate the outcome via the Members registered email address.
c) Where Arc membership has been revoked, notwithstanding anything in these Terms and Conditions, the Member will not be entitled to any refund of Fees.
d) Arc reserves the right in its absolute discretion to withdraw, cancel, deny access to, or in any way change any of the benefits advertised or offered at any time and Arc will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by participants resulting from such withdrawal, cancellation or change. Arc shall have no liability to any person for any variation in the benefits offered to Members.
10) Information and Privacy
a) The Arc Privacy Policy will be made publicly available via the website (www.arc.unsw.edu.au/privacy-policy).
b) Arc may use your personal information to keep you informed of special promotions, events, discounts and free offers. You will be contacted via email and/or SMS where applicable and optioned. You may opt out of these communications paths at any time.
c) You may access the personal information you have provided to Arc by emailing Arc (membership@arc.unsw.edu.au) and arranging a suitable time to do so.
d) Your personal information will NOT be disclosed to any third party, and will not be used by parties other than staff of Arc, without first obtaining your express permission.
e) Arc will take all reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is protected from unauthorised access, misuse, modification and disclosure while stored or transmitted by us.
f) If Arc already holds any personal information about you, this is because it was obtained from one of the Legacy organisations that formed Arc or by other means of authorisation.
g) Arc will use your de-identified information for the purposes of planning, research, marketing and product and service development as the organisation aims to keep its services and activities relevant and inspiring.
h) Arc Member feedback is welcome at any time via membership@arc.unsw.edu.au.
11) Disclaimer
a) Whilst Arc makes every effort to ensure information about Arc benefits, events and programs is available, complete, accurate and up to date, it cannot guarantee this and accepts no liability whatsoever if any information is unavailable, incomplete, inaccurate or out of date.