Book an appointment online

Book an appointment online

Virtual appointments are available with our Legal team through Microsoft Teams (not in person, unless pre-arranged). Please check the below list before making an appointment as we cannot give advice on some matters.

Appointments are available only for current UNSW students (not staff or alumni). 

Please check your emails for a calendar invite, and click the meeting link at your confirmed time. Meeting invites will only be sent to UNSW accounts so please make sure you include your UNSW student email address when signing up. 

If you need a follow up appointment, please email (or message) the staff member directly to arrange. 

Please email if you need JP services. 


Please note we do not give advice regarding:

  • tax returns

  • criminal charges

  • car accidents

  • personal injury

  • business law (or starting a company)

  • wills

  • family law  

  • conveyancing. 

Call LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529 for free, confidential advice about any of the above matters.

If you need assistance with choosing courses or other academic advice, please contact your Program Authority

If you need Tax Help, please call the ATO for your nearest Tax Help centre (July to October).


If you need advice about Temporary Graduate Visa (485), please read this information before making an appointment. For answers to your other visa questions, please check here

Please only select “Visa & Immigration Service” from the list of services so you are connected with the correct staff member. 

There is a very high demand for visa advice; appointments are currently booked out 2 weeks in advance. If there are no available dates displaying on the website, please check again in a few days as new slots will open.

If you need urgent advice, you can connect with a registered migration agent in your area here. Please note that external agents may charge fees for advice. Always ask for a written fee estimate before making an appointment or signing an agreement.

Alternatively, the Redfern Legal Centre offers free student visa advice to International students. 


Please email to arrange a time with an authorised witness. 

Please note we are not Notaries (usually required for overseas documents). You can contact a Notary in your area here (charges may apply for notary services - always check first).  


If you need to appeal an academic suspension or exclusion, click here for information on how to prepare your appeal. You can email your draft statement to for further advice or make a booking for an online meeting here. In most cases, a meeting is not necessary where you have followed the appeal template, and advice is generally quicker via email. However, should you need to speak to an advisor, please prepare a draft a statement before making a booking. Your appointment may be cancelled if you have not prepared a statement prior to your meeting time (we may ask you to email us a copy in advance).

Meeting online

Meeting online

Meeting (virtually) one-on-one with one of our Legal & Advocacy team.

Meeting hours

Mon to Fri: 10am - 5pm

Submit an enquiry

Submit an enquiry

Submit an equiry which goes directly to our Legal & Advocacy team inbox.

Legal & Advocacy

P:(02) 9065 0900

H:10AM - 5PM