Vilification is generally any act that happens publicly as opposed to privately, and that could incite others to hate a person, have serious contempt for them, or any act that involves the severe ridicule of an individual or a group of people based on race, colour, nationality, descent, ethnic, ethno-religious or national origin, homosexuality, HIV or AIDS status or transgender status.
While we don't have a bill of rights in Australia, the various national anti-discrimination laws that have been enacted to protect your rights include:
Australian anti-discrimination laws protect you from being disadvantaged or unfairly treated or harassed because of your:
It is also against the law to victimise someone for making a complaint. Victimisation might involve threatening or disadvantaging someone because they have complained or taken some other (lawful) action.
If you think that you are being discriminated against or vilified, don't be scared to act. If you can, talk with the person or organisation causing the problem. However if you feel uncomfortable doing this you can come talk to us and we'll go through your options. You may need to make a complaint to a body such as the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board or the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Yue told her employer that she was pregnant. A week later her employer told her they were terminating her employment because it would cost too much to hire a replacement while she was off having her baby. She made a complaint to the Human Rights Commission and then took her employer to court. The employer was found to have discriminated against her and she was awarded several thousand dollars compensation.
If you think you are being discriminated against or vilified, do not be scared to act, start by sending us an email for advice or to make a confidential appointment.
Ph: 9268 5544
Ph: 1300 369 711
If you are a UNSW student and Arc member we can give you free legal advice. Send us an email or book an appointment here.