"Research shows that people are more likely to minimise their experiences of gendered violence, and that gendered violence is underreported. For those impacted by gendered violence, it can be very beneficial to seek mental health support to have a safe place to name and process what happened and to receive support regarding the emotional, physical and psychological pain you may be experiencing."
- UNSW Gendered Violence Team
These services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
UNSW Campus Security | Gate 2, UNSW | P: (02) 9385 6666 |
NSW Police / Ambulance | P: 000 | |
Randwick Police Station | 196 Alison Road Randwick | P: (02) 9697 1099 |
Other Police Stations | P: Police Assistance Line – 131 444, or enter postcode/suburb into NSW Police |
UNSW Gendered Violence Reporting Portal | Students, staff and visitors can report any form of sexual misconduct with as much or as little detail as you feel comfortable with. | |
Arc Clubs Team | For reporting Club-related incidents. | |
UNSW First Responder Network | If you would be more comfortable reporting to an actual person, a trained first responder can talk you through reporting. |
Key UNSW Contacts
Conduct & Integrity Office | For student complaints of any kind including discrimination, racism and sexism. | |
Student Support Advisors | For support with personal issues that are affecting study | |
Arc Legal & Advocacy | Free legal service and student advocacy | P: (02) 9065 0900 |
Eastern & Central Sydney Sexual Assault Service | 24/7 crisis counselling, emergency contraception and preventative STI treatment Medical/forensic services for anyone impacted by sexual assault within the last 7 days Free and confidential services. No medicare required. Interpretors available | P: (02) 9515 9040 (9am-5pm) P: (02) 9515 6111 (after hours switchboard – ask for sexual assault intake worker) |
UNSW Health Service | Bulk Billing available. Health service on university campus. Male and Female doctors available | P: 02 9385 5425 |
Family Planning NSW | For information, advice and referral re: sexual health/pregnancy |
NSW Police – Sexual Assault Reporting Option (SARO) | Anonymous reporting option to help the police understand patterns of offending. | W: NSW Police |
Women’s Legal Service | For free legal advice and referrals with focus on domestic violence, sexual assault and discrimination. | P: (02) 8745 6988 or 1800 801 501 E: reception@wlsnsw.org.au |
Community Legal Centres | Free telephone service to provide legal information, advice and referrals. | |
Kingsford Legal Centre | For free legal advice for domestic violence, victims compensation, criminal law and discrimination. | P: (02) 9385 9566 E: legal@unsw.edu.au |
Australian Human Rights Commission | The Australian Human Rights Commission investigates complaints about discrimination and harassment. | P: 1300 656 419 E: complaintsinfo@humanrights.gov.au |
- For those who do not want to make a formal report to the police and do not want the matter investigated at this time, the Sexual Assault Reporting Option (SARO) can be used to provide the police with information about the incident to assist them to gather intelligence around patterns of offending in NSW. The questionnaire can be completed anonymously.
Counselling & support services (face-to-face)
UNSW Psychology & Wellness | Free counselling service for all UNSW students. Male and Female Counsellors available | P: (02) 9385 5418 (9am-5pm) |
Eastern & Central Sydney Sexual Assault Centre | Free counselling service to anyone impacted by sexual assault. | P: (02) 9515 9040 (9am-5pm) P: (02) 9515 6111 (after hours) |
Victims of Crime Counselling | Counselling service to recover from the psychological and emotional aspects of crime. Up to 22 hours of free counselling. | P: 1800 633 063 W: NSW Victims of Crime Counselling – follow links to approved counselling services |
· You can also access a psychologist/social worker in private practice via a GP/doctor. If you discuss your needs with the GP you may be given a Mental Health Plan, which means that Medicare card holders can access a certain number of sessions at a reduced rate.
Telephone and online support and counselling
Services are available 24/7 unless otherwise stated
1800RESPECT | National sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling and information service. | P: 1800 737 732 Online Counselling: www.1800respect.org.au |
FullStop Australia | Similar to 1800Respect, it is a national counselling, support and referral service for anyone affected by sexual assault and anyone supporting them. | P: 1800 385 578 |
Mensline | Telephone and online support and information service for Australian men. | P: 1300 78 99 78 Online Counselling: |
Kids Helpline | Free, private and confidential counselling service for kids and young people aged 5-25. | P: 1800 55 1800 |
Lifeline | Crisis support and suicide prevention. | P: 13 11 14 Online crisis support: www.lifeline.org.au |