Arc Clubs Consults

These are short, 30-60 minute sessions designed to provide a dedicated platform for Clubs to discuss any challenges, ideas, or initiatives they may have. 

Whether you are seeking guidance on event planning, membership engagement, or any other aspect of Club management, our team is here to assist you.

When it comes to some more complex aspects of Club management, a proper consultation can be extremely helpful and can save you a lot of time and effort. Our Arc Clubs Team have a range of executive experience and can provide you with valuable guidance on a variety of areas. 

Book in w/ Jamie!

For all things promotions and running a Club

Book here

Book in w/ Dashie

For all things managing Grievances, Overnight Events, Room Management and general help

Book here

Book in w/ James

For all things higher level issues and escalation

Book Here

How to Find us

Located just off to the left of Basser Steps (Rainbow Steps) you'll find a door with CLUBS SPACE written on it!

Drop by to have your burning questions answered and access your secretarial allowance on printing, badge making, laminating and using guillotines.

The Clubs Space is open 10am-5pm Mon-Fri (Excl. Public Holidays & Summer Shutdown Period).

Step 1

Arc Clubs Team

P:02 9065 0930

H:10am to 5pm

A:Level 2 Basser Steps, Gate 5 on High St, UNSW