EGM Minutes

1.     Agenda

Election of Canberra Student Club Executives: President, Postgraduate Vice-President, Undergraduate Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, EDI Officer

2.     Reaching Quorum 

Quorum reached as 60 members participated in the EGM.

3.     Matters to be resolved 

a.     Election of new executives

1.     Returning Officer Mitchell took attendance and welcomed the club members, informing them of the election process.

2.     Mitchell distributed the nominations to the members present in person and online.

3.     All the members voted and submitted the filled ballots back to Mitchell. Link with names of contesting students was circulated online as well.

4.     After counting the valid votes, Mitchell announced the names of the members who had been elected to the executive.

5.     Following members were elected to the new executive:

b.     Vice President (UG): Sajjad Mohammad

c.     Vice President (PG): Saina Akbari Kouchaksaraei         

d.     Treasurer: Saleen Bhattarai

e.     Secretary / Arc Delegate: Raj Kaithwar

f.      EDI/ Grievance Officer: Kurtis Chen

4.     General Business (if relevant)


5.     Business without Notice

BLANK EGM Minutes Template

AGM Minutes

Minutes: EXTRAORDINARY General Meeting of <CLUB NAME>



The meeting opened at <INSERT TIME>


·      Apologies

·      List of matters requiring EGM

·      General Business

·      Business without notice


Apologies were received from <INSERT NAME/S>

RESOLVED: THAT the apologies was/was not accepted.



Absent without apology: <INSERT NAME/S>

Amendments to the Club's Constitution (if relevant)


RESOLVED: THAT the <INSERT THE CHANGE> is added to the constitution by

inserting the following clauses:




Election of Executives (if relevant)

Nominations were received for:

Vice President: <INSERT NAME/S>

Elections were held and the following nominees received the majority vote from full members present:

Vice President: <INSERT NAME/S>

General Business

The floor was opened for those present to voice ideas, and ask any questions about <INSERT LIST OR TOPIC >

Business Without Notice

<INSERT LIST OR TOPIC or state there was no further business without notice. >

The President declared the meeting closed.

RESOLVED: THAT the meeting closed at <INSERT TIME>.

Sample EGM Minutes:

EGM Minutes

Minutes: Extraordinary General Meeting of Nanomosoc

1:00pm Monday 10th September, 20XX

Function Room 1, Roundhouse

The meeting opened at 1:02pm.


·      Apologies

·      Amendment to Constitution

·      Election of Vice President

·      General Business

·      Ideas for events

·      Business without notice


Apologies were received from Dan Brown and Jill Hill.

RESOLVED: That the apologies be accepted.


Amanda Alto, Vivian Parsnip, Tom Tall, Kim Kastle, Rob Ruff, Max Smart, Doug Dunn.

Absent without apology:

Steve Winwood

Amendments to the Club's Constitution

Amanda Alto addressed the meeting, explaining that Nanomosoc must be governed by a constitution. The constitution acts as the rules for how the Club must operate and protects the Club members.

Amanda explained that during this year, it would have been preferable for a Vice President role to be included. Amanda motioned that the present members vote on amending the constitution to include a new executive role.

After a general discussion, a vote was held and the result was unanimous.

RESOLVED: THAT the position of Vice President is added to the constitution by

inserting the following clauses:

3.1.2 A Vice President

3.9.2 Vice President

In the absence of the president, to chair all club, Committee, General and Annual General Meetings (held during their term) of the club or society;

To assist the President in coordinating the activities and administration of the club;

To have a thorough knowledge of the club’s or society’s constitution;

To ensure that changes made to the constitution at an EGM or AGM are in line with Arc requirements;

To ensure that motions made at any Meeting of the club or society are reflective of the constitution;

To ensure that Arc is informed of any changes to the Executive;

To liaise with fellow office bearers; and

To assist the President in their duties wherever practical.

Election of Vice President

Nominations were received for:

Vice President: Vivian Parsnip

Elections were held and the following nominees received the majority vote from full members present:

Vice President: Vivian Parsnip

General Business

The floor was opened for any present to voice ideas, and ask any questions for new events.

Ideas for Events

Max Smart asked members if they had any ideas for events that Nanomosoc could hold. Events suggested were a Cruise at the end of the year, another camp, BBQs, and organising a weekly movie and/or games night on-campus.

Business Without Notice

Doug Dunn asked for volunteers to help pack O-Week Goodie bags for 20XX. Volunteers should approach him after the conclusion of the AGM for further details.

There was no further business without notice.

The President declared the meeting closed.

RESOLVED: THAT the meeting closed at 1:36pm.