BY Anonymous

Just as summer is associated with smiles, friends and beaches, so too does winter have its own connotations, albeit substantially bleaker. 

I’ve put together some top tips for ensuring you stay healthy and fit as the colder days approach!

1.     Good Nutrition

Generally, winter often leads to poor eating habits since there is no incentive to build that beach body. Additionally, longer time spent indoors naturally results in a greater frequency of fridge-visiting (we’re all guilty of it so don’t worry). Nutrition is particularly important in the winter so ensure you are maintaining a good balance of healthy fats, carbs, vitamins, dairy and protein. Some foods that are worth increasing their intake are:

Sweet potato

Sweet potato is an excellent source of not only vitamin C, but has several mood stabilising B vitamins that will help fight off the winter blues!


It’s a well-known fact that lemons boost the immune system and help fights off diseases.


Honey has several known anti-bacterial properties, often assumed to be the case because of its low pH level and high sugar content, which means it hinders the growth of microbes. It also effectively works as an energy boost, which is something we all need during the winter!


A long used natural remedy with anti-inflammatory properties, ginger has many benefits including helping the body to fight off colds and flus, and improve symptoms of nausea, bloating and headaches.

Why not try mixing honey, lemon and ginger with boiled water to make yourself your very own DIY tea of goodness!

2.     Stay warm

Keeping the body warm is key during the colder months in order to fight off viruses. Some easy ways to do so include:

-        eating more soups and hot foods

-        drinking more hot fluids such as tea or warm lemon water

-        using a heater

-        making use of hot water bottles and heat packs

-        wearing several layers rather than a single thick one

3.     Preventing dry eyes and skin

As someone who regularly wears contacts, my eyes are constantly dry, and this becomes even more of a problem during the winter. A handy tip is to carry eyedrops in your bag so you can use them when you’re out and about. Night eye drops are slightly thicker and often come as gels to hydrate your eyes as you sleep - I have been particularly liking the Systane Gel Lubricating Drops.

You could also try incorporating essential oils like argan or rosehip oil into your skincare routine for that additional moisturising barrier.

4.     Exercise more

Although almost everyone feels less motivation to exercise because of the cold, regular movement strengthens your immune system. Your system needs all the strengthening it can get during the winter months were colds and flus are prevalent.

Try running outdoors with friends or with a society such as the UNSW Campus Runners. There are also heaps of other run clubs around Sydney.

You could also go for a hike since the cooler weather is more enjoyable and you therefore don’t need to worry about lathering up with sunscreen all the time. UNSW Wandering Society offers great hikes around Sydney and you can meet people while you’re at it!

Finally, look into joining Arc Social Sport or some other sports club in your vicinity. I’m sure the fun you’ll have will make you forget that you’re in freezing temperatures!

How To Define Your Style In Winter

Maggie Rogers

Marvel, Ranked