Never watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine? Cool cool cool cool cool.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a comedic American police sitcom created by Dan Goor and Michael Schur, who are the duo behind Parks and Recreation. The show is set in the fictional 99th Precinct in Brooklyn, and centres on Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg), a highly talented but immature NYPD detective who initially comes into conflict with his new commanding officer, the stern and ‘robotic’ Captain Raymond Holt (Andre Braugher).
The first time I heard of Brooklyn Nine-Nine was when I stumbled across its hilarious Backstreet Boys cold open . When the show was suddenly cancelled in May last year, my best friend Katherine was shocked and devastated at the cancellation. After witnessing the immense online backlash against the cancellation and the rapid pick up by NBC the next day, I decided to watch an episode of the show. I didn’t think much of it at first, but choosing to watch the first episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine has been one of the best decisions in my otherwise uneventful life.
Still deciding whether to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine? Here are 5 reasons why you should!
1. Hilarious, relatable and well-rounded characters
I have re-watched all seasons of the show at least 5 times because I love the witty dialogue and diverse range of characters who each have distinctive personalities. The characters of Brooklyn Nine-Nine are relatable and you see a part of yourself in them because they are highly multifaceted and complex characters. For instance, I relate to highly organised and ambitious Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero) and the quirky and eccentric nature of Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio).
My favourite character is Captain Raymond Holt due to his deadpan delivery of jokes and excellent character progression. In the pilot episode, he appears to be an overly strict and rule-following captain. As the season progresses, he lets down his walls and reveals his quirks, with moments of emotional vulnerability showing his empathetic side. He cares deeply for the officers under his command, and his officers grow to respect him.