By your #engagement in this post it would seem that you too fancy yourself the Oscar Wilde of your generation but like me, suffer from writer's block. What do you do to overhaul the dry desert that is your creative mind and use your coffee filled anxiety and actually put ink on paper?
The answer is this: pull a Meghan Markle and lock eyes (and imaginations) with a royal. Do we mean a rugged red head? No, fortunately for you we have something much better than that.
Arc’s resident creative writing journal UNSWeetened is running a writer’s evening at UNSW Bookshop with guest speakers and all around wisdom shedding demigods Paul Dawson, Metter Jackobson and Colin Dray.
Paul Dawson, published poet and storywriter, has new poetry coming out which he will be reading at the event. Metre Jakobsen, a lecturer at UNSW, an author of multiple books including ‘The Vanishing Act’ and ‘What the Light Hides’ and Colin Dray is the author of recently released novel ‘Sign.’
This event will give you a chance to brush shoulders with your peers and network like a demon in the Garden of Eden. Not only that but a Q&A with accompanying drinks and prizes is sure to tell us what a new and improved format Tony Jones could aim at
This event is going to be so hot that you’ll leave a sweaty deliriously-scribbling-ideas-down-mess into the cool autumn air, like the Earnest Hemmingway’s nightmare that you really are.
WHEN 4PM WED 2nd May, WK9
WHO You and your friend who sends you Instagram quotes at 2am.