WandaVison is a show that revolves around odd (but very lovable) couple Wanda Maximoff (a mutant with telepathic powers) played by Elizabeth Olsen and her husband Vision played by Paul Bettany who is synthezoid (a red human android). The show explores their lives as a normal, everyday American couple, despite their individual quirks. While watching the show you watch the couple grow throughout time (both literally and figuratively) and overcome obstacles whether it maybe mundane or national security matters…As the show progresses the plot becomes more complicated; the characters learn what it means be alive and what creates happiness.Viewers also see the inner turmoil of the characters as they begin to question their morals whilst trying to keep up with the world around them, as it seems to be one step ahead of them. While watching each new episode it leaves you asking more questions than the previous, making this 9-episode series something I’ve never seen before, leaving you satisfyingly confused which is not uncommon for the MCU (Marvel cinematic universe).
You may be reading this and wondering “But I’ve never seen a Marvel movie or know anything about Wanda or Vision, how can I enjoy the show?”, have no fear! WandaVision in my opinion is a show one can enjoy without too much background knowledge of the two main characters. In my perspective as an MCU fan, both Wanda and Vision had very minimal screen time within the whole franchise and as a viewer, one could barely have a strong connection with their characters. Within superhero films, it’s truly a battle for screen time to be popular and these two characters had well and truly lost till this show.