After the race was over, I decided to interview Oskar to attempt to gain a glimpse into his strategy and how he prepared to win.
I was wondering, is this your first burger eating contest?
Oskar: Yes, this was my first.
Did you do anything to prepare?
I didn’t eat today and drank mostly water yesterday. I did a bit of research as well. There are a lot of weird tips like: stretch your stomach and do all this weird stuff. I only had three days to prepare.
This contest was a pretty close one, I was wondering were there any points where you were going to give up, where you were feeling down, thinking I can’t do this anymore?
Oh yeah, I was three quarters of the way through my first one and the other guy was onto round two standing up, it was quite intimidating. Other than that, I felt pretty confident. Right at the end when I had to chew and get that last bit down it was a bit stressful.
So, what are you thinking while you’re eating, are you chanting a mantra, like “just keep going, just keep swimming”?
No, I am just in the zone, just eating. Not thinking anything else.
How do you feel right now?
I feel very full. But I am going out for dinner later today.
Are you eating more burgers?
Thankfully we are getting dumplings.
For the next round are you nervous? How are you going to prepare?
I’m not nervous, I did alright this round, I’m just going to do my best.
Are there any people you want to thank for their support?
I just wanted to give a shout-out to my girlfriend Monica. She’s not even here, she FaceTimed in to watch. She’s here for me always.