Ranking all the Scream movies

by Amelie Ritchie

Hello, reader. What’s your favourite scary movie?

I, myself, am not very good with scary movies (or, as I like to call them, spook movies); I often find myself cowering behind my blankets or hands, or just straight up closing my eyes. One franchise of ‘spook movies’ I do enjoy is the Scream franchise. My older brother introduced me to these movies when I was younger and I was captivated by the way they blended horror and humour. Ever since then, we have viewed all the movies together. 

Scream VI has recently hit cinemas, and as such it is time for an obligatory updated ranking of all the Scream movies to date. I will avoid spoilers for the most recent movie, but details of its predecessors may be shared. 

#6 - Scream 3

Via IMDb

After the success of the first two movies, Scream 3 just fell short for me. It didn’t seem to bring anything new and exciting to the Scream scene, instead falling back on tropes established in the previous films. Also, all the characters were so forgettable - apart from the original characters that made an appearance, I don’t even remember any of their names. 

#5 - Scream 4

Via IMDb

The iconic Scre4m. Honestly, its place in my memory is mostly sustained by this goofy name adopted by fans. Despite its clever film-within-a-film-within-a-film opening, it felt as though the meta-commentary the first two films did so well was getting stale. It was saved, however, by the more memorable characters, enjoyable storyline, and awesome kills - like when Jill got a defibrillator to the head. 

#4 - Scream VI

Via Movie Maker Magazine

The most recent instalment of the franchise was a refreshing change of scenery. For me, the absence of Dewey was felt heavily and, as a result, the movie didn’t have the same charm as its predecessors. Scream is beginning to see a turnover in its main characters, with Courtney Cox being the only remaining OG cast member. I hope that as more movies are made we will develop a deeper connection with the ‘new main characters’ and that the Dewey-shaped hole in my heart can be somewhat healed. 

#3 - Scream (2022)

Via Plugged In

I remember watching Scream (2022) in cinemas with my brother and sister. We were menaces in the movie theatre, squealing and exclaiming as events unfolded. I was on edge throughout the entire movie because it felt like no one was safe - not even the legacy characters. This proved true when we saw the death of Dewey, which was the only time throughout the whole franchise that I cried. Scream (2022) earns its place on this list by creating an emotional investment. 

#2 - Scream 2

Via Slash Film

Following on from the first movie, Scream 2 continues to set up a meta-commentary with its establishment of the ‘Stab’ movies that adds humour within the horror. While the reveal of the killers at the end was overshadowed by the shock of the first film’s reveal, the movie still earns its place as one of the more enjoyable in the franchise. Oh, and I will never forget the rush of joy I felt discovering Dewey survived his seemingly fatal stabbing. 

#1 - Scream (1996)


This is the movie that started it all. It is first on the list as it brought something to the horror genre that was not seen before (have you ever seen a movie that actually lists out the ‘rules’ it must follow?), and set the stage for more self-referential humour in the later films. It taught me to trust no one in the franchise (except Dewey, of course) through the double-bluff of Billy being one of the killers. 

Amelie Ritchie is a second-year UNSW student who started off studying Science and Engineering but joined the dark side by transferring to a Bachelor of Media (Comms. and Journalism) to engage in her affection for writing. She loves to read and write, finding the most enjoyment in fiction and personal essays. It is likely you will find her sitting in the gentle light of her bedroom, listening to music as she burns a candle. 

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