One strategy is to simply embrace the madness.
You’ve got the time and opportunity to do this. You’ve also got time to patch yourself up after it and re-enter society without anyone being the wiser.
If you prefer to go with a more combative approach, I can suggest the following:
1. Go to the Zoo
That’s right. One way to stay sane is to wake up really early, make yourself some sandwiches and put them in that lunchbox (cause no way are you going to pay for expensive zoo food on your student budget), pack your water bottle in your bag, and take that permanent marker so you can mark off all the animals you see on your printed-out map.
Remember to clip your car keys to the inside of your backpack, apply that sunscreen, and put on your walking shoes.
Now the hard part- you need to travel all the way to your laptop or flatscreen, open and watch the keeper talks, the live cams and the seal show and penguin feed.