3 Epic Speakers at Better Futures Forum

Written by Elle Bodeep

Photography by Li An Lim yc from Unsplash

Positioned as “our moment to shape an ambitious climate change agenda” the Better Futures Forum represents a peak democratic opportunity for business leaders, politicians, students and civilians to come together to make policy improvements for Australia. The best bit? It’s the perfect opportunity for aspiring leaders and policymakers to get their foot in the door and work alongside professionals for 2 days

Prior to the event we skimmed over the program and picked our top 5 favourite speakers that you’re going to want to hear from.

1. Ban Ki-moon

Starting with the biggest deal is ex-UN General Secretary and South Korean diplomacy legend Ban Ki-moon. This guy was the mastermind behind the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals which I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about.

2. Jane McAdam

Professor McAdam is THE expert in the social impact of climate change. She’s written books on human displacement which makes her the pre-eminent scholar on all things international refugees.

3. Anjali Sharma

You might remember Anjali was the lead litigant in a class action against the Federal government and the then Minister for the Environment for failing to consider the impacts of climate change.

You can join these big-wigs and many more at the Better Futures Forum at UNSW Canberra on 6-7 September. UNSW students can access heavily discounted $37.5 tickets by using the code UNSW at stage 2 of ticketing: https://events.humanitix.com/2022-better-futures-forum/ticket

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