Find an area of campus you think needs sprucing up. Think under awnings, inside stairwells, on walls, in corners or on ceilings. Create your design and think outside the box. We welcome paste-ups, decals, chalks and more.
- Submit a written proposal which outlines your idea. This proposal should include:
- a formal description of your proposal
- the concept which informs your idea
- the location of your mural
In addition, you must submit supporting documentation, and a budget (where relevant.) Supporting documentation should include examples of your previous work and a mockup of your proposal. This can also include reference photos of your location.
General mural supplies are located in the Arc office. You are welcome to consult with Arc about supplies on-hand during office hours. If your project uses any materials beyond those supplied by Arc you must include these as budgeted items. In this budget you will be given the option of submitting items to be covered by The Art Scene, or as personal expense.
What You Get
Your Mural will be exhibited in a public location on campus and contribute to the vibrancy of the Art & Design campus landscape. There is no fixed term for artworks to remain on sight. Your installation could be on campus for months or even years!
Arc will provide you with an arsenal of paints, brushes and spray cans for your project. Additionally, you have the option of submitting a budget of additional items from The Art Scene. Budgets will be reviewed by Arc, with quantities of unused materials returned to Arc for re-use in The Mural Project program.
Any specialist materials outside those available through The Art Scene and Arc will be provided at your own cost and need to be included in your budget.