Student Directors Elected

Following nominations and elections, 4 new student Directors have been appointed to the Arc Board of Directors. The Arc Board of Directors is the the most senior, strategic leadership group of the organisation and comprised of 15 people. Those 15 people include 10 current students (8 student Directors , SRC President and PGC President), 2 alumni Directors , 2 UNSW Directors and the Chief Executive Officer. To maximise Board continuity and performance, 4 student directors are elected each year on a 2-year term. There is a also a requirement in the Arc Constitution that 50% of student Directors are women or gender diverse students. 

This year the 4 student Directors elected are Eva Stewart (she/her), Aania Cheema (she/her), Amy Wang (she/her) and Sam Baker (he/him). The Directors represent a diverse cross-section of degrees, cultural backgrounds and lived experiences. 

The current Chair of the Arc Board Arthy Mukunthan was excited by the elections saying

I am so delighted to be welcoming the fresh crop of student Directors to the Board. They're all high calibre, and high energy and I can't wait to see how they use their perspective to shape the student experience over the coming years."

The new Directors will be required to attend at least 4 Arc Board meetings per year and contribute to sub-committees like Nominations & Remuneration Committee, Technology Committee, Student Development Committee and Audit & Risk Committee. These governance processes support the operations of Arc and ensure that the student voice is embedded in decision-making at the highest level of the organisation. 

CEO of Arc Shelley Valentine thanked the outgoing Directors Arthy, Hamish Covell, Natalie Newman and Katia Fenton, 

On behalf of Arc staff and the rest of the Board, I am incredibly grateful for the contributions of our outgoing Directors. Over the last 2 years, they have made a huge contribution to our 2023+ Strategy and ensured a clear path forward for Arc to deliver on its mission to create the best student experience."

Read candidate statements here.

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Oscar Iredale