What makes you... You?
Whatever your answer to this question, Arc believes this should be celebrated!
One of our Arc Values is to Be Better. In our journey to be one of the best student organisations in the world, we recognise the importance of celebrating diversity! This means ensuring every single Arc staff member and volunteer are comfortable with their differences and are in the best position to reach their full potential.
We incorporate diversity and inclusion awareness and skills into many of our training modules. Some of them include:
- Annual face-to-face Diversity and Inclusion training for every Arc staff member and volunteers
- Mandatory online Bullying and Harrassment training module for all Arc staff members
- Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness training to recognise diversity in thought
- Regular Professional Development workshops in topics like unconscious bias and microaggressions
- Support to complete ALLY training
Other training opportunities available to Arc staff include:
- Mental Health First Aid
- Gender Bias
- Ongoing professional development