Voting for the Arc Board elections will be conducted online.
Voting commences: Monday 7 April 2025 at 7:00am
Voting concludes: Thursday 10 April 2025 at 9:00pm
According to Arc Regulations, clause 10.7(b, ii), a minimum of two (2) Student Director positions up for election each year must be filled by women and/or gender diverse students.
Who Can Vote
All members of Arc with the exception of associate members as at the close of nominations (10 March 2025), are entitled to vote for the Student Director positions on the Board.
This means that:
- that you must have activated or renewed, your Arc membership on or before 10 March 2025.
- that your projected graduation date indicated as being 2025 or beyond.
How to Vote
All Arc members eligible to vote will be sent an email containing a link to the voting page. This link is assigned to your email address and will allow you to vote once. As soon as the link is used and a vote is cast, the link will expire and you will not be able to use that link again to vote (even if it is forwarded to another email address)
NOTE: the email will be sent to the address you nominated when completing your Arc membership form. It will not automatically be sent to your UNSW email address. If you are not sure which email you have provided, please log in to SpArc to view your personal details.
Once you receive your voting link via email, vote for your preferred candidate by placing the figure 1 in the square opposite the candidate. Voters may place consecutive figures (commencing with the figure 2) in the squares opposite the remaining candidates, in order of preference.
Per Arc Regulations, clause 10.1(c), Arc utilises BigPulse, an independent expert online voting platform for the Arc Board Elections. All votes are managed and calculated by BigPulse and confirmed by the Returning Officer.
All Arc members by voting during this election, acknowledge that they are current UNSW students.