
Arc Creative's Critical and Experimental Arts journal

Framework is your critical arts journal.

Framework is Arc @ UNSW Art & Design's critical arts and literary journal, which aims to facilitate, promote, and celebrate expanded forms of arts writing and critical dialogue around our campus. 

Students work closely with the Framework Coordinator to edit and develop their writing, which is published once a term, in Week 10. Framework publishes a mix of experimental and more conventional reviews, interviews, essays and articles, as well as creative, visual and experimental texts. Framework is published online as a fixed layout epub and PDF, which means that contributors have the freedom to include interactive media such as videos, audio, gifs and animation in their writing.

How you can contribute to Framework

Framework provides students at all points of their journey the opportunity to publish their work in any form it may take. Experimental, controversial, or somewhere in the middle is all welcome here! Submissions are selected at the discretion of the Writer's Coordinator and then published for your viewing pleasure. 

Exhibition reviews Features
Interviews or conversations
Academic essays Collage
Text-based art
Video artPoetry
Creative non-fiction
Food writingSound artIllustrated essays
Artist profilesMicro-fictionHybrid writing

Thinking of contributing? How to pitch:

As Framework is a student publication, we encourage students with varying levels of experience to submit. Whether you’re a seasoned essayist or a first-time writer -- we would love to hear from you!  

A pitch is a way of summarising what you would like to submit to Framework. We are extremely flexible, so this can be anything from the seed of an idea to a fully realised work. Your pitch doesn’t have to be overly formal, as we are interested in engaging with your vision at whatever stage it is at. Pitches may look like:

  • Your concept, idea, argument  

  • The form, structure or angle  

  • Excerpts or drafts; which are always great (but not compulsory), as they give us more insight into your thinking  

Once we’ve received your pitch we’ll give some advice and direction on approaching the piece. We may also share some helpful resources or readings that might be relevant or interest you! 

Let's do this!

For any queries, please contact the Framework Coordinator for 2025, Yazmeen Meedin via email - or stopping by the Arc Office to have a chat!

Yaz is also available via Zoom appointment, just send her an email to organise a time.

Framework's values

Slowness: We prioritise nourishing long-term relationships with our contributors. We care about helping you develop a writing practice that brings you joy and that you feel confident in.

Experimentation: We will encourage you to be playful and expansive in how you write and create. Art school is the time to push the boundaries of your work and be surprised by what you make.

Bravery: We will cheer you on to be courageous in your practice; to follow hunches, to unravel uncomfortable truths, to find liberation in your authorial voice!

Chat to Yaz! (our Framework Coordinator)


Read Framework

Framework Coordinator

Yazmeen Meedin

H:Monday and Tuesday (in office) 9am - 2:30pm

A:Arc Office, Ground Floor D-Block, UNSW Art & Design, Gate 2 Greens Rd.

Arc Creative

P:(02) 9065 0981

H:10am to 5pm

A:Ground Floor D Block, Greens Rd, Paddington