Hope you all had a lovely term break!
As Term 2 looms and Term 1 results are announced, please reach out to the PGC if you have any concerns or want to discuss regarding your courses or outcomes.
This month I would like to highlight that our PGC Coursework Awards, the Council's most prestigious Award for Master's students and supported by the Vice-Chancellor will have nominations close on 28th May. Nominate your peers, lecturers, tutors and other staff today. Your Award means a lot to them.
Beyond this the PGC is hard at work to do more things which we have heard from the HDR and Coursework Needs surveys. This includes:
- Social Mixer in the Roundhouse on 26th May
- Arc PGC Coursework Awards Ceremony and Networking event at Clancy Auditorium on 1 June. Limited tickets for the public available via
- PGC tours of the campus with a special postgrad twist in Week 1 of Term 2
- Sydney to Canberra Trip on 23rd June
All the best for your term. See you on campus and online!
Anthony P. Sunjaya
President, Postgraduate Council UNSW