Hope you have had a good start to your term and are moving full speed ahead.
Over the past month, the PGC has continued to advocate for greater support for accommodation, mental health, safety, social and academic events to UNSW Management. Let us know what you want to raise, complete our Coursework Needs Survey and HDR Needs Survey and contribute to make change that benefits you!
For new HDRs, we look forward to welcoming you during the PGC HDR Welcome event this Wednesday (15 March).
For Coursework students, nominations are open for the PGC Coursework Awards to nominate the Student and Course Coordinators of the year. Recognise someone who has positively contributed to your UNSW experience via the Coursework Awards page (closes April 30th 11:59 PM).
For all postgrads, we look forward to having you in our March Social Mixer during Harmony Day (21 March) where at a highly subsidised cost ($5) you'll get food, drinks and cultural performances. You don't want to miss it! Register via the Harmony Day Event page.
Lastly, the PGC has welcomed its team (close to 80 now) this week. Welcome onboard to those you have graciously committed to giving back to uplift the postgraduate experience at UNSW!
As always, Morning Teas continue to run every Wednesday at 10AM in the PGC Lounge and requires no reservation. See some pictures from our recent International Women's Day morning tea in this month's newsletter.
Wishing you all the best for your assignments and project this month! See you on campus and online!
Anthony P. Sunjaya
President, Postgraduate Council UNSW