This holiday edition of our newsletter is dedicated to the PGC 2022 team for their
unyielding commitment and for volunteering countless hours to uplift the postgraduate
experience at UNSW.
The Postgraduate Council welcomes the recent announcement by UNSW Management of the increased HDR stipend rate
effective 2023. We would like to thank the Vice-Chancellor/President Atilla Brungs,
DVC Research & Enterprise Nicholas Fisk, Dean of Graduate Research/PVC Enterprise and
Research Training Jonathan Morris, Deputy Dean of Graduate Research Penny Martens, UNSW
Council and many others at UNSW who have provided their support to make this a reality.
We look forward to continue working constructively with UNSW Management on other
initiatives and thank the PGC 2022 team especially outgoing President Joshua Karras,
Vice-President Research/current President Anthony Sunjaya, Research Community Liaison Dana
Tribbia, PGC Research Committee members, the Candidate HDR Committees of many faculties,
other HDRs, academics and staff who had advocated for this intensively across the past year.
If you are keen to contribute to the postgraduate experience through advocacy work like
this, we would love to hear from you - expressions of
interest are now open to join your representatives for