13 OCT 2020

Sydney-born triple threat singer, songwriter and producer Lily Lizotte better known by her artist name The Blossom awes us with her latest singles Angel Fangs and Still With U. Her iconic sound of dreamy, raw, indie pop combined with grungy guitar pushes 90s vibes while capturing the artist’s personal journey through her candid lyrics.

Roundhouse: Hey The Blossom aka. Lily thanks for hanging out with us at the Roundy, what have you been up to since the start of 2020?

The Blossom: I've been fully emersed in writing, recording and trying to take care of my mental health... also hugging my friends a lot.

Roundhouse: Here are some quick fire round questions just to get us started and to learn more about you.

1) Los Angeles or Sydney? 

The Blossom: NEW YORK

2) Where are the best place to get burgers in LA? 

The Blossom: Burgerlords!

3) Favourite cocktail? 

The Blossom: Im sober, but i do love a lil ginger beverage of any kind

4) One thing you miss about Sydney? 

The Blossom: The ocean, the salt, my family, the sticky heat and the wild dreams i always have in my childhood bedroom.

5) Travel destination after COVID ends?

The Blossom: With wide eyes and a big open heart - NEW YORK, JAPAN, LONDON, PARIS.. and BANGKOK.

Roundhouse: Congratulations on the release of ‘STILL WITH YOU’. The track combines notes of pop and hip hop influence to create one cohesive catchy song. Could you tell us the meaning behind the track? 

The Blossom: It is a release of both tension, bravado, and vulnerability that i carry with me. A lil serenade to my anxiety, growing pains and restlessness. I hope anyone listening in their bedroom feels seen and understood. At least for a split moment.

Roundhouse: It was noted that you wrote ‘STILL WITH YOU’ in your bedroom closet in the early hours of the morning. Are you able to let us know where was it recorded? 

The Blossom: It was also recorded in my bedroom closet ! I wrote and tracked the vocals all at the same time. 

Roundhouse: How does the music scene in Los Angeles differ from that in Sydney?

The Blossom: Sydney is a smaller hub and community, Los Angeles is incredibly globalised and intertwining... both are polar opposites but have their strengths.

Roundhouse: 2020 has been a big year for you. Besides ‘STILL WITH YOU’, you have released a number of amazing tracks such as ‘Wish YOU WELL’, ‘PUPPY DOG TEARS’ and ‘ANGEL FANGS’. Can we expect an EP or any new releases for the remainder of the year? 

The Blossom: THANK UUU. For sure.. I'm in the middle of pulling my EP into focus to be released at the beginning of next year.

Il be sinking my teeth into releasing that EP out into the world, its definitely a huge personal evolution.

Roundhouse: You are a young South-East Asian POC woman living in Los Angeles. What impact has this had on your journey into the industry and how have you used it to channel inspiration into your music?

The Blossom: To be honest, i just strive to be in the narrative of the industry. If I feel represented then i know others will feel the same. If my creative output can be some sort of vessel in any small or big way for others feelings, stories, identities and struggles in whatever shape or form then i know i'm doing something worthwhile.