The Student Representative Council (SRC) is protecting and promoting your rights on campus.
They run large-scale campaigns for student rights and provide support for those in need. Your student reps are democratically-elected to represent and campaign for your interests within UNSW, in the broader community and to Government.
The Student Representative Council is linked to every aspect of university life, by:
- Liaising with the university to improve the quality of your education
- Representing UNSW students on a campus, state, national, and international level
- Providing support for special groups all across campus.
You can get in touch with them about an advocacy issue, get involved in their campaigns and meetings or run for office! There are also autonomous spaces on campus run by SRC and collectives that you can visit to feel safe.
To get in touch and keep up to date with all our campaigns and initiatives, you can Like and Follow our Facebook Page or email us at