AGM & Reaffilations 2024

Your one-stop-shop for all the things you need for your Club's AGM and Reaffiliation.

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New Executive Training

Register for both Online & In-Person Training!

Access Here!


Arc Clubs Major Events

Sign up to Arc Major Events or get reimbursed for your participation!

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Club Resources & Guides (Incl. Arc Logos)

How to's for the Arc Membership Portal, templates, Arc Clubs Logo and more!

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Clubs Space Resource Request

Printing requests, badgemaking, tagging & testing and staff consultations!

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AHEGS Recognition

How to get AHEGS-approval for all actively contributing Club members

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Health & Safety

WHS guidelines and regulations for Clubs

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Incident Report Portal

How to report an Club-related incident and other resources.

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Gendered Violence Resources

A compilation of resources and information to educate you and your Club members about sexual misconduct and your options.

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Overnight Events Portal

Everything you need to run an amazing time away from home with your Club Members.

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Starting a New Club (IGMs)

Guides on how to become UNSW's newest Club!

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AGMs & Club Reaffiliation

Guides on how to hold your Annual General Meeting and submit your reaffiliation documents!

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Holding EGMs

Guides on how to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting!

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New Executives Training!

Mandatory training for all Club Executives!

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About Us

Who ARE you? Find the faces of the Arc Clubs Team

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Arc Clubs Office

P:02 9065 0930

H:10am to 5pm

A:Level 2 Basser Steps, Gate 5 on High St, UNSW